
Are you an employer who is wondering how to address domestic abuse in your workplace? Maybe you are a health care provider who is worried about a patient and are unsure of what your role should be. Whether your question is specific or general, we can help. Please call our 24/7 Helpline at 1-800-863-9909. It’s not only for crisis situations, it’s for any kind of support for survivors, it’s for concerned loved ones and professionals.

Partners for Peace offers consultation regarding the particular challenges people may face related to domestic abuse.  We don’t need to know a person’s name or identifying information in order to discuss elements of a safety plan or how professionals in various settings can appropriately take into account a person’s experience of abuse when providing their particular service.  One convenient way to consult with Partners for Peace is to invite a trainer to a “lunch and learn” to speak briefly and respond to questions.

Partners for Peace also offers policy development for professional settings.

Common questions while crafting domestic abuse policies include:

  • How will I know if someone I am working with is or has been the victim of abuse?
  • How might their experience of abuse impact their interaction with me?
  • How might their experience of abuse impact their ability to access the services my agency provides?
  • What can my agency do as part of standard practice that will provide appropriate opportunities for people affected by abuse to let us know so that we can respond?
  • What opportunities exist in my agency’s practice to
    • recognize signs of abuse affected behavior?
    • reach out to people affected by abuse?
    • respond to people’s particular needs?
    • refer and raise awareness of our services?
  • What training and support do employees need to work effectively within that policy and procedure framework?

To hear more about Partners for Peace trainings, please visit our training page. To read more about the consultations and collaborations we do with specific community sectors, click on the links below.

Justice System
Faith Communities

And don’t forget to check out the Coordinated Community Action Wheel to see what a community can do!